When to update your Headshot

by Annett Meyer Photography

Getting new headshots is not a one-size-fits-all scenario; there are several factors to consider. Here's a breakdown of when you should consider updating your headshots:

 (Headshots taken by different Photographers over the years)

Change in Appearance: If you undergo a significant change in your physical appearance, such as a new hairstyle or hair color, weight loss or gain, or noticeable aging, it's a good time to update your headshots. Your headshot should accurately represent how you currently look.


Every Couple` of Years: It's generally recommended to update your headshots every couple of years to ensure they remain relevant and reflect any subtle changes in your appearance or personal style. This timeframe may vary depending on how quickly your look changes or how often you're pursuing new opportunities.


Representation of You: Your headshots should capture your essence and personality. If you feel that your current headshots don't accurately represent who you are or the roles you're seeking, it might be time for an update.


Feedback from Others: It can be helpful to get feedback from trusted friends, colleagues, or industry professionals on your headshots. They may notice things that you overlook and can offer valuable insights on which shots best represent you.


Agent's Recommendation: While you shouldn't update your headshots solely based on your agent's suggestion, their input can be valuable. Consider their advice in conjunction with your own assessment of whether your headshots still effectively represent you.


Avoid Overloading: When selecting headshots to share with your agent or casting directors, focus on quality over quantity. Pick the shots that best showcase your range and personality rather than inundating them with every option.


Remember, there's no hard and fast rule about when to get new headshots, but it's essential to ensure they accurately represent you and your current look. Ultimately, the decision to update your headshots should be based on a combination of your personal judgment, feedback from others, and any significant changes in your appearance or career goals